
Saying goodbye to 2023: reflection and analysis

alberto avatar Alberto Sola · 12/31/2023

I have always liked to spend some time reflecting on what has been my year, to see what goals I have achieved and what I have not which ones I have achieved and which ones I have not. In addition, I like to set new goals for next year, based on everything I have learned, and that usually define what I want to prioritize.

I am very grateful for everything I have learned in 2023: it has been a year of learning enormously, both professionally and personally. In the end, if you want to move forward, you have to deconstruct yourself in order to build yourself again with new beliefs and ideas.

In general I have come to realize that your biggest enemy is yourself, and that you have to work to overcome these mental barriers. Once overcome, a path presents itself that only you can walk, step by step. Don't forget to enjoy it.

It has also been a year where I have started reading books, both on entrepreneurship and philosophy (stoicism specifically), but I have also dedicated time to learn other transversal skills such as marketing.

For 2024 I have set two professional and two personal goals (OKRs). All these goals are measurable, actionable and of course, I will work on them every day and I will tell you about them in this blog (and in my youtube channel).

I have many ideas for both content and projects that I will be materializing here at Pirobits, so don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on my social networks.

If you are reading this, it will probably already be 2024 so Happy New Year!

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