
You will always be an apprentice

alberto avatar Alberto Sola · 3/2/2024

One of the things that helps me the most is that I always consider myself a learner. It allows me to accept that there is a lot to learn, to relax and accept mistakes, and with this I can get into a state of flow to be able to create and work more productively.

It is good to know one's limitations and shortcomings in order to move forward, and even to lean on others. It is not necessary to be false humble, if you are good and you have experience, that is a fact, but it does not mean that there is still room to continue learning and improving, especially nowadays when everything is so changing that you must continue learning and adapting in order not to be left behind.

The good thing about considering yourself a learner is that you will find it easier to accept the obstacles along the way (and understand the obstacles of others), although your ego can get in the way on many occasions. When you step out of your comfort zone you will be confronted with your fears, and they will try to keep you in your safe zone with excuses. As the Stoics would say, the only thing you can control is your free will, i.e. how you react and choose to behave in different situations. If one day you don't perform well, that's fine, the next day you can always choose to be better than the day before, but the choice is yours.

In my case, this path arises because I always liked to create things and share them with others. Learning new tools, looking for problems and creating products / solutions, writing it in a post, telling about it on youtube... Despite having many years of experience in the sector, considering myself an apprentice creating products, to monetize them from scratch by myself, has brought me many benefits:

  • Calm to stop and learn.
  • To make mistakes in order to move forward.
  • New knowledge and ideas.
  • People who have given me a lot of knowledge.

After several years of finding my way, and now, after several months of walking it, I see with perspective these mistakes (which become learning) and I am able to understand how things work, but this is something that nobody teaches you. There are exceptions as in everything, but I would say that in most cases an entrepreneur trains himself.

In any case, the advantages of going your own way, allowing yourself to make mistakes and continue learning, are infinite. But you will only see this over time.

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